The power of sound — sahaj samadhi meditation

3 min readAug 20, 2020


serenity in meditation — a buddha painting by Mamta Shringirishi

In the beginning, there was sound. That sound was OM. Then, the universe happened. This is the power of sound.

You would have noticed the power when negative words are spoken. Gurudev Sri Sri RaviShankar ji says that words are the most potent weapons in the world, more destructive than swords & guns.

When someone is harsh to you, it hurts you. Any abuse to your near and dear ones causes just as much pain too. Did you know that all human abuses are linked to your closest relations? Why? They say, give a punch where it hurts the most.

You would have noticed the power when positive words are spoken. You may have lost hope but an encouraging tweet, video, whatsapp message or call suddenly brings you back to life, helps you shake off your slouch and pounce like a tiger. Did you know that the entire world is filled with quotes, memes, little nuggets of wisdom? Why? They say, words uplift.

Is it just the words or the vibrations behind the words that cause the impact? One of the 4 vedas, Sama Veda has no words, only sounds and it is the mother of music.

Water has memory. The rivers have carried it all along and when you come nearby you feel a certain calm. For no reason, looking at flowing water brings a relief. It is as if you had a soothing conversation with your beloved. Water speaks too. The words of water have a certain effect on you.

In homas and yagnas, the pundits keep a vessel filled with water around which the vedic mantras are chanted. The water listens to the chants and gets energised. On conclusion of the homa, the charged water is shared and people who participate take few drops.

You are also 70% water.

According to Patanjanli Yoga Sutras, there are 8 limbs of Yoga,

“Yama niyama asana pranayama pratyahara dharana dhyana Samadhi ayoashtav angan’’ (II Sutra 29)

Samadhi is the 8th and ultimate limb of yoga. One limb cannot coexist without the other, but the 8th is the most refined form of consciousness.

Ancient Indian Rishies understood the power of sound and made it a tool for meditation. Those were called as mantras. Some mantras are potent in the sphere of expression and some are potent in the sphere of mind.

In sahaj samadhi, you get the mantra which when taken in helps you to transcend the conscious mind. It helps you to navigate into meditation effortlessly, on your own.

You only need an open mind and intention to learn. Then you can practice it everyday twice a day for rest of your life.

A lot of research has been done on Sahaj Samadhi and it has helped many to come out of anxiety, depression, loneliness in these challenging times. Even if you have none of them it can elevate and refine your state of consciousness.

Sahaj samadhi meditation is now online. Do register and experience how meditation can enliven us. Details of one of the program are shared below.


🌸 The Art of Living 🧘 with 💫 Prathibha Prasad Ji💫

Experience and Learn Effortless Deep Meditation 🧘

Benefits include-

✨Mental clarity — ✨Increased energy — ✨Better physical health — ✨Improved relationships — ✨Greater peace of mind

Date: 8th-10th September

Morning Batch: 6:30–8:30am Register Online:

Evening Batch: 6.30–8.30pm Registration link:

Eligibility: 16 years and above (Indian Residents residing in India.)

Please Note: Maximum 10 participants per batch. Registration will close when batch is full. Don’t miss this golden opportunity to learn this simple and effortless meditation

If above date time does not work for you then you can go to Sahaj samadhi meditation and find one that suits you and welcome to universe of serenity.

no one can take your smile — once you learn to meditate — photo at art of living ashram, bangalore

